The methodology that CAP pioneered for organizing projects, documented in "Working from the Ground Up", is being used to increase the capacity of agricultural communities to protect the natural resources in the Chesapeake Bay. Working on behalf of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network (CBFN)and in cooperation with the University of University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Sciences, CAP has and has worked with CBFN to develop extensive Guidance for identifying organizing and supporting large scale field projects. The Chesapeake Bay region projects include:
Year Two Accomplishments:
Three-Year Goals
Year Two Accomplishments:
ChesapeakeThe CBFN Initiative, Strong Communities, Healthy Waters, supported in part by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation provides a further opportunity to apply the CAP methodology for designing ambitious projects that create lasting changes. The Initiative is dedicated to increasing the capacity and engaging the energies of rural communities in creating sustainable farming systems. The Initiative brings together the energies and resources of private funders in the Chesapeake Bay region to create a critical mass of support for innovative partnerships within rural communities and to establish a collaborative network among rural communities and organizations. In the past year the Initiative has helped organize two innovative community partnerships that harness market forces in creating sustainable solutions to the problems associated with excess livestock waste.